

This is my last movie weekend in 2009. After watching Sherlock Holmes,

I went to watch Avatar with my good colleague S.T..

When I first heard this movie title, I was like: man...what kind of movie is this!

However, after I saw it: this is a GREAT GREAT MOVIE!!! IT IS BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

The stroy line is about Pandora planet which has their own history, believe and great unique resource

that greedy human again would take everything to hurt all the living creature, forest, and beautiful land

to get what they want from the Pandora.  There are some parts that are really touching and really touch your hearts.

The version I watched is 3D digital, so, need to wear glasses in order to feel all tiny stuff in the movie. 

Director James is incrediable, 3D effects is amazing, Pandora is so pretty, the sets, the creature, the tree, flowers;

it is really beyond your imagination! 

This is truely a movie that you must see, it has also made movie history!!!

If you have not yet watched it, you got to go and see it yourself!!  

中文版請點: (. 艾琳小姐甘溫ㄚ......)


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