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想去Boracay 好久了, 今年暑假終於成行囉! 其實是利用幾天年假與可愛的精靈堂妹同行. Boracay還真遠,一天內所有的交通工具都用上了. Car to airport-airplan to Philippines-boat to beautiful Boracay.  雖然一早出門,坐了幾乎一天的陸海空,但是看到了美麗的海洋,所有的疲憊全掃一空. First and 2nd day, 我們住在2號與3號碼頭中間的The Tides Hotel...這裡位置超棒...離mall好近,吃喝玩樂全在這附近.....累了一天,當然要先犒賞自己一下,來到有名的Aria義大利餐廳,享用好吃的pizza & pasta, 當然要來一杯清涼的Vodka Tonic 囉.

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Tides 的location很好,不過房間不是很大,也沒啥view...不過真的是很方便的地方. 離島上的mall很近,pub, restaurant, and 海邊只要幾分鐘的walking distance.經過了一夜好眠,正式開始我的Island trip!!喝完coffee, 到樓頂上check hotel swimming pool, then, walking around Station 1 & 2, ocean is clear and sunshine, blue sky......逛累了,便在Zhu Asian Cusine吃炒飯and noodle,這的fried rice is so different, even have a fried egg on top of rice....taste yummy!!

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吃飽後,繼續在station 1 & 2遊蕩.....走累了,就來杯有名的芒果冰沙...真的好好喝...便宜又大杯...稍做休息後,接近傍晚,便坐上風帆,欣賞日落的美景...

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白天blue sky, 傍晚sunset 照在美麗的海洋上,很美的color.....在海邊聽著海洋聲,吃著BBQ....what a life we have!!

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這次的trip, 我們是自由行and 有點半高級的行程,因為我可是存了一隻中小豬才成行的. 而且, 好久沒出國囉, we decided to stay at 香格里拉 for day 3 and 4!!

Shangri-La Brocay 位在郊區,Station1再上去一點,但可以說是非常private的location. 難怪,Angelina 夫妻會喜歡這裡. 5 Star resort 果然不同,房間好大, 還有自己的陽台. And 這裡還有private beach, 比Station 1 的 white sand 還美 and water is so so so clear, you can see through all shells.....really pretty.

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來到beautiful resort, 當然要好好enjoy all facilities, so, we decided to hang in resort during day time and out for dinner during night time. Swimming pool here is great and also can walk to private beach as well.....and when you feel tired and need some breeze, you can also lay down on the bed under coconut tree...enjoy drinks, book and sun!! All I can say is that this is a very clean, beautiful resort, it is a perfect place for holiday!! You can borrow snorkling glass free....service here is great as is excellent...It is worthwhile to stay here!! It is an experience that you won't forget!

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After relaxing day, we decided to go to mall again to enjoy being with people, noise, and of all, there is a shuttle from resort to mall every 30 mins!! we had light lunch next to resort's pool, then, dress up to mall for mexician food, then, ready for a relaxing massage....we had a great one at crystal glass....after a nice massage, we bought local BBQ pork with beer and mango smooth and had them in our private balcony and also watching World Cup........aren't we spolied sisters from ocean?!



We really enjoyed our 5 days 4 nights trip in Boracay.  There are so many different food here, Korean, Italian, Asian etc.  People told you that you need to try this, that and stay at famous Discovery Hotel...and .....But, for us, we feel Station 2&3 are bit dirty and whole island is over developed. Station 1 still fine.  However, stay at Shangri-La is a great experience, quiet and prviate..beautiful resort, sun baking....! Even if it is a bit expensive, but, still worthwhile to visit once in your life time!!

PS-I am sure there are so many blogs that has info. about Boracay, therefore, I won't be givin too much details here, however, you can ask me questions if you have lo......

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